- -̴̛̠͊̀͝-̵̪̱̼͑-̶̰͎͙̉̆͝-̸͙̍̀͠-̴̛̠͊̀͝-̵̪̱̼͑-̶̰͎͙̉̆͝ S̶̛̼̗̅ė̶̺̜͕ntǐ̶̬nĕ̷̪ͅͅl̵̨̦̗͗̔̃
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- Soli
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- Sword of Alexander
- S̶̛̼̗̅ecė̶̺̜͕ly’s S̶̛̼̗̅ė̶̺̜͕ntǐ̶̬nĕ̷̪ͅͅl̵̨̦̗͗̔̃
- Taburas
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- The Devil’s Daughter
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- Zelus Imp
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